
Prescient is a financial services background check and due diligence provider that works on the behalf of several high-priority clients throughout the government and private sector. Digital Initiatives performs SEO search and implementation that enables Prescient to grow as a first-in-class authority in its field.

Ashtree Risk Group

Ashtree is Prescient’s Ireland-based division, providing logistical support and as well as in-depth research and analysis to clarify complicated business relationship, highlight potential red flags, and uncover case-sensitive information. Digital Initiatives provides SEO services for both Prescient and Ashtree, providing both teams with the combined support to get the job done.

Prescient Edge

Prescient Edge is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) founded as a Counterintelligence (CI)/ Human Intelligence (HUMINT) company in 2008. It is a global operations and solutions integrator delivering full-spectrum intelligence analysis support, training, technology and security solutions to the Department of Defense (DoD) and throughout the Intelligence Community (IC).